[Acoustic Live Video] – Run River North – Monsters Calling Home

I just discovered this band existed less than an hour ago, thanks to a Pandora tweet saying to check them out if I liked Of Monsters and Men. I love indie folk -rock and then I noticed they were all Asian (all Korean- American, neat!) so I had to check them out. I listened to the studio version of Monster Calling Home on spotify and bam- loved them right away! I’m an instant fan and supporter!

Here’s a live version of the song which is about the struggles of immigrant parents.  Check out the interview here.
“They’re walking heavy to the beat of a broken drum,
digging for worth in a land under a foreign sun.
Their children call, bitter words of a strange tongue.
Hearts down, they’re walking heavy till the dying’s done.”

[Music Video] Phox- Slow Motion

I’d like to thank Starbucks Rewards for this gem. This is my latest favorite from their iTunes freebies! I need to listen to the rest of their album. So far I like what I hear!

“Heavy is my sleeping, terror is my dreaming
While you are pretty through the night
You may taste the salt that rolls off my cheekbone
But you don’t know why I cry”


[Concert Review]- Augustana ft. Twin Forks – DC

This review a little over a month late but I promised myself I would write about seeing Twin Forks and Augustana live in concert! This is my first “review” on the concerts I’ve been to these last few years so bare with me if my language sounds juvenile and the writing is unstructured with horrid style. I have more concerts in the future so hopefully my writing style improves. So here it goes!

Augustana ft. Twin Forks – DC show 2014 
The concert was held Monday, May 19th at the 9:30 Club in DC. I just realized that the last time I was there before that night was for the One Tree Hill Concert Tour in 2005, for the show I was introduced to Dashboard Confession (Twin Fork’s Chris Carrabba’s previous indie rock band) and Augustana’s music!  It’s been years since I’ve wanted to see them!


Twin Forks at the 9:30 Club 05/19/2014

Twin Forks at the 9:30 Club 05/19/2014

Twin Forks
Twin Forks opened the show and my friend and I wanted to be in the front to see Chris Carrabba in person because we’re huge long time fans of DC!  I’ve been listening to Twin Forks for about a year and I enjoy their folk rock and country style. It’s a change from the emo style of  DC , but everything about this band and their music makes it raw and homey. On tour , the band is Chris Carrabba- vocals and guitar, Jonathan Clark- bass, Shawn Zorn – drums, Kelsie Bronoski- vocals and mondolin and Kimmy Baronoski – vocals. You could tell they were having fun on tour by the way they sort of played with each other and the audience during songs. Their set list was mostly from their self-titled LP released this past February where many fans sang along including myself! My favorites include ,”Can’t Be Broken”, “Cross My Mind” and “Back To You” which was a fantastic finale. The part that melted my heart was when Chris sang Swiss Army Romance on the acoustic guitar. I felt like I was in high school again! Them high notes, Chris!

Overall, their set was fun and lively ! I was hoping to meet them after in case they were by the merchandise table, but I was not willing to give up my spot. I somewhat regret that because not only did I possibly miss my chance to meet Chris and take a picture with him,  I also wanted a physical LP but they were gone by the end of the night. However, when Shawn was packing up his drums and someone behind me asked for their set list, he asked who wanted his drum sticks and the nice girl beside me and I stuck out our hands so fast for them and thanked him! They were broken but hey, he drummed his heart out that night and I got something! I can’t wait to see them again  again at Silopanna in August! I am even considering going to their next DC show this month! I know, I need to chill, but I have a concert addiction problem forming.

Finally, the reason for the tour performed: Augustana. To be honest, after their single “Sweet and Low” was released, I didn’t keep up with their music up until they announced this tour for their new album Life Imitating Life. I decided to download all their albums and familiarize myself with the songs so I would appreciate the concert more than if 75% of the songs were brand new to me. I think I made a good decision to do that because they sang a good variety of songs from all their albums.


Augustana - 9:30 Club- May 2014

Augustana – 9:30 Club- May 2014

The lead singer, Dan Layus, voice sounded perfect like all the album recordings. The band also held strong the entire way through their set. They never seemed tired which may be because their songs are never high energy – jump up and down.That’s not their style. Their rock style is gentle and subtle if that makes any sense. I noticed there were no introductions or chitchat by Dan about the songs, they just kept singing and playing, which I don’t think the audience minded at all. Almost everyone sang along for each song. A couple  of times,  after “Boston” and “Sunday Best” (two of my favorite songs of theirs, I almost cried), he added or subbed some lyrics for DC and that always gets a crowd hyped.

Augustana played for maybe almost two hours or more. There were times when I was worried I’d get home too late  and thought of leaving early but at the same time, I was in the front row and didn’t want to miss anything. For their encore, they played maybe four more songs, including “Sunday Best”. Good thing I stayed! I was satisfied with what I heard and saw from them.

At the end of the night, I remember feeling that great concert high you get, at least I get, after a show. It’s been more than a month since the show and I still think about it when their songs play on my phone. I still watch the videos I took too (yeah I am that kind of concert girl). I absolutely recommend seeing them live in a similar intimate venue if you’re a fan of the bands or their genres.

So here’s to great concerts and artists! I have a couple more concerts I am definitely attending this year so I promise to post my “review” within a week of the show. Until next concert!


Love is Real 😉



Twin Forks – Cross My Mind

Twin Forks is a Folk Rock and Americana band started by Chris Carrabba (Dashboard Confessional!) in 2011. I snatched their free downloaded on Purevolume a while back and recently downloaded the rest of their new album . Chris Carrabba is one of my favorite voices since high school. Dashboard Confessional was the majority of my high school soundtrack that I’ve mentioned before in previous posts. Unlike the emo DC, Twin Forks has a country, blue grass upbeat and hopeful sound. I love the blend of Chris and Suzie’s voices and the instruments.  A person is probably less likely to cry listening to them.

About a month or so ago, they announced they will go on Tour with Augustana (“I think I’ll go to Bossstonnnnn”, my fave. I splurged on their downloads too)! I bought tickets of course because I’ve always wanted to see DC live! Man, as long as I see and hear Chris Carrabba live, even with his new cool crew, I’ll be happy. Do artists usually do meet and greets after 9:30 club shows?! I would love to meet them! They are currently on tour with Phillip Phillips but it’s a Canadian Tour with one stop in the US. I would have gone to that too.

I’ll post a review of the May 19th concert. Updates later =)

Bonus video: recent performance of  an old school Dashboard Confessional song! Oooo, great choice for a wedding first dance song! If I witnessed that moment or if they even play this at the concert, I guarantee there will be tears.

Paramore- Last Hope (Audio)

I saw Paramore live in concert on Nov 9th. I’ve always wanted to see them in concert since high school since they were part of my personal high school soundtrack! Hayley Williams is one of my favorite vocalists, and now she is one of my favorite performers. She was so energetic singing and dancing all over the stage!  When she slowed down and sang “When it Rains” (one of my favorite songs ever) and this song, I nearly teared up. This is one of my favorite songs from the new album because of  what it’s about: sadness, hope, letting go and moving on. I probably should stop singing it more than once everyday but it’s one of the songs right now that keeps me goiiiiiiiing. 

Every night I try my best to dream
Tomorrow makes it better
Then I wake up to the cold reality
And not a thing has changed

But it will happen
Gotta let it happen

Tori Kelly- Paper Hearts

I don’t listen to much R&B and soul on a regular basis but I do listen to it every now and then. I’ve been following Tori on Tumblr since she was in the area last year or before that and her Instagram didn’t let me forget about her EP that came out on Tuesday. I decided to download it and an older EP today so I would have more variety on my phone. I knew they wouldn’t disappoint. This is the song that stood out to me.